Mucciaccia Gallery’s local exhibitions, world-renowned artists and private client services
“Try it. Take a work of art off the wall, out of your room. You’ll feel the hole, that something is missing, an emptiness, and it’s unsettling,” say Valter Spano, director at Partners & Mucciaccia Gallery. “Art becomes a part of you. Sometimes you only really feel that when it’s not there, when there’s a hole, like when you move house and it feels empty until the art goes up.”

Mucciaccia Gallery specialises in major C20th and contemporary artists, and in Singapore has run exhibitions of Roberto Bernardi (shown above right), David LaChapelle and Michelangelo Pistoletto, among others. The group also has galleries in Rome, New York and London, along with a clientele comprising some of the world’s greatest art collectors, and offers private client services sourcing or selling masterpieces.
“It’s very discreet at that end. Owners may not want people to know they’re selling. Buyers may not want people to know they’re buying. And yet you have to facilitate a level of marketing – to just a handful of individuals who are right for the piece,” says Spano.

Even at the absolute top end, it still boils down to passion, to the desire to own and admire a thing of beauty and resonance, and to filling the hole as only art can.
“I had a client who was renting a property while renovating his home, and he came into the gallery and bought several pieces, just like that, but said to us: ‘You need to deliver them today.’ He couldn’t stand the bare walls in his rental house for a minute longer.”

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