La Prairie’s White Caviar Light Concentrate: The ultimate skin brightening and retexturising regimen
In pursuit of developing a regimen that blends the precision and expertise of Swiss cellular science with the rarity of Swiss caviar extracts, La Prairie introduced the White Caviar collection in 2006. This regimen featured an ingredient called Lumidose™, a product of a 15-year extensive research, which helps revitalise and brighten the skin.
In 2025, La Prairie begins the year by introducing a new addition to this exceptional collection, the White Caviar Light Concentrate.
As with other White Caviar regimens, the Light Concentrate makes use of the Lumidose™, which helps reduce hyperpigmentation and excess melanin caused by too much UV exposure. The brightening molecule is encapsulated within the serum, ensuring more precise and enhanced efficacy.

Moreover, the serum is formulated with Caviar Micro-Nutrients, which promote firmer, smoother skin and enhance skin elasticity. It also helps prevent the deterioration of its cellular structure.
The light-infused concentrated serum also uses La Prairie’s Retexturising Complex, enriched with the Exclusive Cellular Complex™ to retexturise uneven and dull skin caused by acne. The peptide in the formula is designed to mimic the process of a chemical peel, promoting a smoother skin, while niacinamide helps combat imperfections.
In just four weeks, the White Caviar Light Concentrate promises to improve cellular turnover, create a more even skin tone and deliver firmer skin with minimised pores.
Visit La Prairie for more information.
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